Microchips and Essential Safety Tips: “Check the Chip Day” Responsibilities for All Dog Owners

Microchips and Essential Safety Tips: “Check the Chip Day” Responsibilities for All Dog Owners


In today’s world, the animals we choose to share our lives and our homes with are more than just pets – they’re our best friends and beloved family members who bring endless joy, laughter, loyalty and love. At Absolute Dogs, we understand that it is one of the greatest responsibilities as pet owners – and as our dogs’ best advocates and guardians – that we all do everything in our power to ensure their happiness, health, safety and wellbeing.

While no one ever wants to imagine or consider what would happen if their dog were to go missing, the sad reality is that many dog owners and pet parents across the world face this scenario every day, and this is where the life-saving power of microchipping comes into play!

Microchipping your dog is not just a recommended safety measure – it’s actually a legal requirement in many countries, plus ensuring your dog is microchipped and that the information is kept up to date is crucial for their safety and well-being.

Whilst many families are happily reunited with their lost or runaway dogs thanks to a tiny, yet mighty microchip, there are also far too many that that end up in rescues or get rehomed (or worse) because they are unable to be connected with their owners due to out of date microchip details – or that may not even be microchipped in the first place.

That’s why, every year on August 15th, National Check the Chip Day marks a crucial day on every dog owner’s calendar. This day is dedicated to the simple yet life-saving task of checking and updating your pet’s microchip information – and making sure it works! 

At Absolute Dogs, we are all about empowering you with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to make the best decisions for your dog’s well-being, so in this blog, we’re diving deep into everything you need to know about microchipping, the importance of keeping your dog’s microchip information up to date, and how you can use each National Check the Chip Day as an opportunity to ensure (and level up) your dog’s safety for every day of the year to come.

So, let’s delve into the world of microchips and discover why they’re an essential part of responsible dog ownership!

Why Microchipping is a Game-Changer for Pet Safety

Imagine your dog is on an adventure, exploring the world beyond your garden, but then the unimaginable happens – they get lost. The panic sets in, and you frantically search the streets, call their name, and post on social media, hoping for a miracle.

Now, imagine if your dog had a microchip – a tiny device that holds the key to reuniting you both. This is the reality for countless dog owners who have been able to bring their beloved pets back home, thanks to microchipping.

Microchipping is a revolutionary technology that has transformed the way we safeguard our pets. A mandatory part of pet ownership in many countries, it’s a simple, quick, and virtually painless procedure that can make all the difference in ensuring your dog’s safety.

Unlike collars and tags, which can easily be removed or lost, a microchip is a permanent form of identification. It’s a small implant, about the size of a grain of rice, that’s placed just under your dog’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades. This tiny device carries a unique identification number that’s linked to a database containing your contact information.

When a lost dog is found, a veterinarian or animal shelter can scan the microchip to retrieve the ID number. This number is then used to access the owner’s contact details, leading to a happy reunion (provided those details are kept up to date)! 

The best part? Microchips are designed to last for the lifetime of your pet, providing peace of mind that your dog is always traceable, no matter where they wander.

Pet Owner Responsibilities and the Role of National Check the Chip Day

Now, you might be thinking, “I’ve already microchipped my dog, so I’m all set.” But here’s the catch – simply having a microchip isn’t enough. The real power of microchipping lies in keeping the information linked to the chip up to date. That’s where National Check the Chip Day comes in.

Every year on August 15th, dog owners across the globe are encouraged to check and update their pet’s microchip information. This annual reminder is a crucial part of responsible pet ownership, ensuring that if your dog ever gets lost, the information linked to their microchip is accurate and up to date. Outdated contact details render the microchip ineffective, leaving your dog at risk of remaining lost for longer or being rehomed because their rescuers were unable to contact you.

Think of National Check the Chip Day as a safety drill – a day dedicated to taking action that could one day save your dog’s life. It’s a simple task that takes just a few minutes but has a monumental impact on your pet’s safety. 

At Absolute Dogs, we believe in taking proactive steps to ensure the well-being of our dogs, and checking your dog’s microchip is a vital part of that commitment.


Having a microchip implanted in your dog is a fantastic first step, but it’s only half the battle. The key to a microchip’s effectiveness lies in the accuracy of the information linked to it. Unfortunately, many dog owners fall into the trap of forgetting to update their details, especially when they move house or change phone numbers. This oversight can have serious consequences.

Imagine your dog is found by a kind stranger who takes them to a vet to be scanned. The microchip is located, and the ID number is retrieved – but when they try to contact you, the phone number is disconnected, or the address is outdated. Suddenly, the microchip that was supposed to bring your dog home is rendered useless, leaving your pet in limbo.

This is why a day like National Check the Chip Day is so important. It’s a reminder to dog owners everywhere to verify and update their pet’s microchip information and ensure their dog’s microchip remains an effective tool for their safety.


Ready to take action? Here’s how you can check and update your dog’s microchip information in just a few simple steps:


  • Locate Your Dog’s Microchip Number: The first step is to find your dog’s microchip number. If you don’t have it on hand, don’t worry! You can ask your veterinarian to scan your dog for the microchip during your next visit. They can quickly provide you with the number.
  • Identify the Microchip Registry: Most microchips are registered with a specific company. If you’re unsure which registry your dog’s microchip is linked to, you can use an online microchip lookup tool to find out. Simply enter the microchip number, and the tool will direct you to the appropriate registry.
  • Log Into the Microchip Registry Website: Once you’ve identified the registry, visit their website and log into your account. If you don’t have an account, you may need to create one using your dog’s microchip number.
  • Verify and Update Your Contact Information: Now that you’re logged in, take a moment to review the contact information associated with your dog’s microchip. Check that your phone numbers, address, and email address are all correct. If anything has changed, update it immediately. Some registries may charge a small fee for updates, but it’s a small price to pay for your dog’s safety.
  • Double-Check the Information: Before you log out, double-check that all the information is accurate and up to date. 

GAMECHANGER BONUS TIP: It’s also a good idea to set a reminder to check the information again next year, and National Check the Chip Day is the perfect time to make this a habit!

Top Training Tips, Essential Safety Strategies and Expert Advice for Responsible Dog Owners

At Absolute Dogs, we’re solution seekers and we’re all about being PROactive, not reactive. We believe in preparing ourselves (and training our dogs) FOR situationsrather than trying to problem-solve while we’re stuck in stressful situations.

Microchipping is a natural extension of our philosophy. It’s about being prepared, taking action, and doing everything you can to protect your dog. Just as we advocate for teaching your dog reliable recall skills to keep them safe in various environments, we also encourage you to take responsibility for your dog’s identification and ensure their microchip information is always up-to-date.

Think of microchipping as an additional layer of security that complements the training and care you already provide. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that ensures your dog can always find their way back to you, no matter where their adventures take them.


While being proactive about your dog’s safety is one part of the equation, we also know that being proactive about your dog’s training is equally important because it can help you minimise and even avoid situations that might lead to you and your dog becoming separated.

Our science-based concept training method focuses on teaching your dog skills (not behaviours) that grow their ability to make the right choices and behave appropriately in any situation.

When we consider how a dog’s training can contribute to their safety, we know there are certain valuable skills that all dogs need to know in order to:

Within the powerful approach of games-based concept training, you can grow all of these skills and so much more through engaging games and easy-to-implement strategies that also strengthen the bond between you and your dog – making training a fun and rewarding experience that grows real-life skills for real-world results! 


Microchipping is a fantastic start, but there are other steps you can take to further enhance your dog’s safety. Here are some additional tips to keep your dog safe and secure:

Give Your Dog a Wearable Form of ID: While microchips are essential (and often required by law), having your dog wear a form of visual ID is an additional safety measure – it is also a legal requirement in many regions. Wearable ID allows anyone who finds your dog to quickly contact you without the need for a microchip scan. Make sure the ID you choose includes your current phone number and address and is attached to your dog’s collar and/or harness.

Train a Rock-solid and Reliable Recall: Teach your dog reliable recall skills. This not only helps prevent them from getting lost but also reinforces the bond between you and your dog and grows those real-world skills we mentioned above. We have so many recall training solutions available that are both fun and effective, making it easier for your dog to respond to your call, even in distracting environments.

Attend Regular Vet Check-ups: During routine veterinary visits, ask your vet to scan your dog’s microchip to ensure it’s still functioning correctly. This is also a great time to discuss any other safety concerns you might have.

Secure Your Garden: Make sure your garden is secure and free from any potential escape routes. Check fences and gates regularly for any gaps or weaknesses, and consider adding a lock to gates to prevent accidental escapes.

Travel Safety: If you’re travelling with your dog, ensure they’re wearing a secure collar and their ID. It’s also a good idea to carry a recent photo of your dog in case they get lost while you’re away from home. Microchips are especially valuable when travelling, as they provide a reliable way to identify your dog if they become separated from you in an unfamiliar location.

Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest advancements in pet identification technology and best practices for dog safety. There are always new tools and techniques being developed, and staying informed ensures you can provide the best possible care for your dog.

A Call to Action for All Responsible Dog Owners on National Check the Chip Day

As our dog's best owners and advocates, we all have a vital responsibility to do everything we can to keep them safe. Microchipping is one of the most effective ways to ensure your dog can always find their way back to you, no matter where their adventures take them. But remember, the power of a microchip lies in keeping the information linked to it up to date.

National Check the Chip Day is the perfect opportunity to take action. Set aside a few minutes on August 15th to check your dog’s microchip information and make any necessary updates. It’s a simple task that could one day make all the difference in ensuring your dog’s safety.

At Absolute Dogs, we’re here to support you every step of the way on your journey with your dog, from training and behaviour transformation to safety, health, wellness and beyond. Whether it’s through amazing FREE resources like this blog, the endless games, strategies and solutions in our Games Club, or through our standalone struggle-focused training courses, we’re committed to helping you provide the best possible care for your dog. 

So, this National Check the Chip Day, take that extra step to ensure your dog’s safety. Check the chip, update the information, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your dog is always protected. Together, let’s create a world where every dog is safe, happy, and secure!