The Power of Games-Based Puppy Training: Why Home Schooling is the Way to Go

The Power of Games-Based Puppy Training: Why Home Schooling is the Way to Go


Here at absoluteDogs we know that the early days with a puppy can feel like a rollercoaster ride. You might even catch yourself thinking, “What on earth have I done?”

But here’s the good news: everything is changeable. And what’s the best tool for success? Play!

It’s why we wrote Game On, Puppy! - the games-based training manual to raising a confident, happy, and well-behaved puppy - without the stress and overwhelm.

So while there may be moments of chaos (like the puppy who pees on your favourite rug, or chews your best pair of shoes), it’s important to remember that with the right tools and knowledge, your puppy can grow into the very best companion you could ask for.

Why Home Schooling Your Puppy is the Best Approach

In the world of puppy training, there’s often an emphasis on enrolling in puppy classes, but what if we told you that you don’t need to sign up for puppy classes in order to raise a calm, confident, and well-behaved dog?

As a matter of fact, home schooling your puppy could offer better results. And we should know. After all, we run puppy training classes ourselves!

Here’s the thing: puppy classes can be overwhelming. Imagine your tiny puppy entering a noisy room full of excited dogs, each with their own quirks and personalities. It’s an alien environment, and the distractions can make learning difficult for your pup.

Not only that, but each puppy is at a different stage in their development, and what works for one might not work for another. Why risk giving your puppy a stressful experience when you can guard their optimism, be their very best advocate and teach them in the comfort of your own home? With the right approach, you’ll not only see faster progress but also build a deeper relationship that will set you and your dog up for a lifetime of success.

Games-Based Training: It’s All About the Concepts

At absoluteDogs, we believe in the power of games-based training. Rather than focusing on rote behaviours like “sit” or “stay,” we focus on teaching the foundational concepts that will set your puppy up for success in real life.

Think of your puppy’s brain as a construction site, with each skill being a building block. These blocks form concepts like calmness, focus, self-control, optimism, and disengagement.

Here’s the key: concepts are far more important than individual behaviours. A dog might learn to sit beautifully in a training class, but when faced with distractions (like a squirrel on a walk or a guest at the door), the sit might fly right out the window. Why? Because training behaviours in an artificial environment doesn’t prepare your dog for the chaos of real life.

Instead, we recommend focusing on shaping your puppy’s brain through games that target the right concepts. If your puppy struggles with distractions, you can play simple, fun, effective games that help them focus on you, making it easier for them to ignore distractions and make great choices. If your puppy is feeling unsure about the world, there are games that will boost their optimism and help them navigate life with confidence.

Sound too good to be true? It’s really not! Over the years we’ve helped many thousands of dog owners transform their training journey and discover real life results - and now we’ve distilled all that knowledge and experience into one incredible book. A Sunday Times bestseller, Game On, Puppy! is packed with nearly 400 pages of puppy-focused learning, giving you everything you need to raise a confident, well-behaved, and happy dog - all through our unique, games-based approach.

The Benefits of Home Training

What’s the best part about home schooling your puppy? It’s the fact that you’re training them in their own environment.

By teaching them the skills they need at home, you’re setting them up for success when you head out into the world. How? By playing games that are designed to shape their personality, helping them develop into calm, confident, and well-adjusted dogs who can handle anything life throws their way.

This is what we call training FOR the situation, before you expect your puppy to be able to handle themselves appropriately in the situation.

It’s the key to raising a robust, well adjusted puppy - and it’s what really sets our book - and absoluteDogs - apart.

The best part? These games are fun and easy to fit into your daily routine. Whether it’s playing a quick game during a coffee break or spending a few minutes in the garden, the results will be clear, and you’ll enjoy every minute of it.

Concept Training: Why It Works

Here’s why concept training is so effective: It teaches your puppy to make good decisions on their own, without you constantly having to micromanage their behaviour. When you focus on shaping their brain, rather than simply teaching commands, you create a puppy who can handle real-life situations confidently. Whether you’re out on a walk or welcoming guests into your home, your puppy will know how to behave because they’ve been taught the skills to handle those situations in advance.

Imagine how freeing it will be when you no longer have to worry about your puppy pulling on the lead, barking at strangers, or getting distracted by every leaf blowing in the wind. Instead, your dog will be a confident, well-behaved companion who can make the right choices on their own.

Are You Ready to Get Started?

So, Gamechanger, are you ready to begin? Home schooling your puppy with games-based training is not only the most effective way to raise a happy, confident dog - it’s also the most fun. With each game you play, you’re building a deeper relationship with your puppy while shaping their personality for success.

And if you want to dive even deeper into this approach, our book, Game On, Puppy!, is packed with tips, tricks, and games that will help you raise the dog of your dreams. With our guidance, you’ll have all the tools you need to make training fun and successful.

Remember, training isn’t just about teaching your puppy to sit. It’s about setting them up for a lifetime of good decisions. Ready to get started? Play some games, build those concepts, and watch your puppy become the best version of themselves!

Game on, puppy parent! Your adventure starts now!

Grab your copy today!