Naughty But Nice™ Live
How it works
Go to each lesson, Click PLAY, and dive into expert dog training solutions.
Immediately play the game with your dog to cement the learning.
Get excited as your dog's behaviour transformation begins!

What you get
Lifetime Access
For The Dog You Have Now & Those To Come -
12 Real-Life Results Driven Lessons
Games Selected For Max Impact -
Resources & Downloads to Support the Teaching
Download & Read Anywhere -
Self-Paced Learning
Dip In And Out At Your Leisure
Course Snippets
Naughty But Nice™ Live Frequently Asked Questions
This programme is designed for dog owners of reactive, fearful, distracted or otherwise difficult dogs and is a filmed workshop.
This course is 12 lessons, ranging from 20 minutes to 2 hours in length. This is self-paced and we do encourage you to take your time.
This course will give you a realistic viewpoint of progress and how you can successfully support and advocate for your dog.
You get immediate and lifetime access to the course materials upon enrolment. This means you can revisit the lessons and resources anytime to refresh your knowledge or tackle new jumping challenges.
No, prior training experience is not required. The course is designed to be accessible for all dog owners, regardless of their previous experience with dog training.
This is a helpful course for any dog owner, though we would discourage diving in if you feel your dog's struggles are primarily just learning behaviours rather than struggles which make your dog difficult to manage in society or in your home.
You may have heard of our term to describe a dog who is a barking, lunging mess at the end of the lead, who is fearful of new situations, who lacks confidence, who struggles to settle or who doesn’t have an off-switch. We call these dogs Naughty But Nice dogs! If we unpack the behaviour struggles that encompass Naughty But Nice dogs, really every dog has the potential to be one. The key thing to understand about Naughty But Nice dogs is that they simply don’t have the skills to fit into the world they are part of - which is where games-based concept training comes in!
If additional support is needed, encourage you to jump into Games Club, our comprehensive games library and recurring dog training subscription, to access the exclusive community.
Still have questions? Contact Us
Join Our Games Club a Community of 2,000+ Gamechangers
A gamified online training platform that will transform the way you bond with your dog & offer a world of resources for games-based training:
Numerous videos
Weekly Challenges
Private community
Live trainings
Special offers
- ...and much more!