Biothane Long Lines
How it works
Secure the line to the back clip of your dog's harness. (For safety reasons we don't recommend ever attaching a long line to your dog's collar).
Choose a suitable environment for your training session, being mindful of other dogs, people and anything in the environment the line might snag or get wrapped up in.
Use your long line to work on your dog's recall skills or to give them a little more freedom before they are ready for the full responsibility of going off lead. Long lines are also perfect for tracking work and other sports.

Biothane Long Lines Frequently Asked Questions
Long lines are a true game changer when it comes to walking your dog and wanting to give them that little bit more freedom. Using a long line allows your dog to move about at a greater distance from you, but the line keeps you connected to your dog, keeps them safe and allows you to step in and prevent rehearsal of any unwanted or inappropriate behaviours as your dog works through the early stages of off-leash freedom. Long lines are also used for dogs who might be working in scentwork, tracking or mantrailing, allowing the handler to keep a connection with their dog without interfering as they work. Long lines are perfect for working on your dog's recall training, and for allowing a little more responsibility without giving your dog full off-leash freedom before they are ready. Pair with our recall training courses for optimum results!
We always recommend attaching your long line to a harness to prevent any unwanted jerking of your dog’s neck or any whiplash if you need to stand on the line or stop your dog getting too far ahead of you.
Our long lines are designed to trail on the ground. For your dog's safety, there is no handle that could get caught on branches or other obstacles in the environment.
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