The Naughty But Nice Revolution Book
How it works
Read each chapter and dive into expert dog training solutions.
Immediately implement what you learn with your dog to cement the learning.
Get excited as your dog's behaviour transformation begins!

What you get
Physical Book
Read and Learn Anywhere & Dip In And Out At Your Leisure -
Reactive Dog Tailored Solutions
Join 1000’s of Others Who Are Living Their Dog Owning Dream -
Practical and Uplifting Strategies To Support You
Fun 3-Minute Dog Training Games to Transform Your Naughty But Nice Struggles Into Strengths -
Achievable, Expert Advice
Strategies & Solutions Designed For Max Success
The Naughty But Nice Revolution Book Frequently Asked Questions
This book is for anyone that owns a dog of any kind of naughty variety, big or small, endearing or frustrating.
Training should never be a long time, just a fun time. If you feel like you're getting frustrated or uncertain about what you're achieving in your training session, pause! Training sessions should be 2-3 minutes long, followed by a break, and intermittent throughout the day - whatever your lifestyle allows.
This book addresses every Naughty But Nice struggle you might be facing with your dog, from barking and lunging at other dogs on walks, chasing wildlife, cars and cyclists and guarding food and toys, to humping, chewing and crying when you leave the house.
We highly encourage taking one of our standalone courses or combining reading this book with our Games Club subscription for the best level of support and to achieve optimal results.
No prior training is required and it's also okay if you have several layers of training under your belt. Skilling up your knowledge is never a bad thing!
You likely will need further support, but the book is a solid foundation. We're here and you can reach us anytime for bespoke and tailored advice at https://absolutedogs.me/help.
Still have questions? Contact Us
Join Our Games Club a Community of 2,000+ Gamechangers
A gamified online training platform that will transform the way you bond with your dog & offer a world of resources for games-based training:
Numerous videos
Weekly Challenges
Private community
Live trainings
Special offers
- ...and much more!