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Self Control

Jump into this amazing learning and discover how you can use games as a vehicle to teach true, real-life impulse control. Starting with a foundation of desire, learn how you can work up to the point where your dog is still able to listen and offer control, even if a squirrel (or whatever your dog finds truly irresistible) is literally within tasting distance! 




Does your dog need a little more impulse control?

We love our dogs to have a ‘pulse’ – that desire and drive to work, whether that’s for food, toys, or ultimately, experiences with us. But that does have to be balanced with the right level of impulse control. A dog who lacks impulse control is a dog who will chase the squirrel or the jogger in the park, swipe a sandwich off the kitchen counter or pull on the lead.

What struggles can you conquer by teaching your dog some self-control?

  • Jumping on people
  • Stealing socks
  • Rolling in fox poo
  • Snaffling food that’s dropped on the floor
  • Chasing wildlife, birds or other dogs

These are just a few situations where growing self-control is going to hugely benefit your dog – and you too!

Jump into this amazing learning and discover how you can use games as a vehicle to teach true, real-life impulse control. Starting with a foundation of desire, learn how you can work up to the point where your dog is still able to listen and offer control, even if a squirrel (or whatever your dog finds truly irresistible) is literally within tasting distance! 

In this targeted course with lifetime access you will:

  • Find out how to discover what your dog finds truly reinforcing and learn how you can use that to teach real-life impulse control.
  • Discover why it’s important to identify your dog’s dominant sense and how you can use that understanding to tweak your games and strategies to supercharge your results.
  • Teach your dog the skills to consistently make great choices by growing true, real-life impulse control.

No party tricks here! Just awesome impulse control!

Want to supercharge your learning? Why not check out our Chase course too? Owning a dog who loves to chase can lead to dangerous situations and can seriously damage your relationship. In this course, Tom and Lauren give you a complete toolkit of real-life results training and an emergency stop safety net.

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