Why Is My Dog So Itchy? Stop the Scratch Cycle with Guest Pro Dog Trainer, Amanda Glickman
Health and Wellness

Why Is My Dog So Itchy? Stop the Scratch Cycle with Guest Pro Dog Trainer, Amanda Glickman


Welcome to this episode of the Sexier than a Squirrel Podcast, where we dig into a topic that plagues many dog owners: itchy dogs and skin problems! The knowledgeable Amanda Glickman joins Lauren to explore the reasons behind the constant scratching, biting, and discomfort many dogs experience. If you’ve ever wondered why your dog seems to be in a never-ending battle with itch, this episode is packed with insights to help you understand and address the root causes.

In this episode, we cover:

  • The Root Causes of Itchiness: We delve into the various factors that can lead to itchy skin in dogs, from allergies and parasites to environmental factors and stress. Understanding the "why" behind the itch is the first step to finding an effective solution.
  • Actionable Strategies for Relief: Amanda and Lauren share a wealth of practical tips and approaches to alleviate your dog’s itchiness. From daily routines to long-term solutions, they cover what really works to give your dog the comfort it deserves.
  • Real-Life Examples and Case Studies: Learn from relatable stories of dogs who have struggled with itchiness and the steps their owners took to turn things around. These examples provide a roadmap that you can adapt to your dog's unique needs.
  • The Power of Natural Support: Discover how products like A-OK9's range of wellness solutions can play a crucial role in supporting your dog's skin health. Lauren and Amanda discuss how incorporating natural supplements and remedies into your dog's routine can improve their comfort and happiness.

Why You Should Listen:

Itchiness in dogs can often feel like an unsolvable puzzle, but this episode breaks down the complexities into simple, manageable steps. Understanding the triggers and how to address them can help your dog lead a more comfortable, itch-free life. With expert insights and practical advice, this episode is a must-listen for any dog owner who wants to tackle skin issues head-on and explore the benefits of natural support like A-OK9.

Join us as we demystify the world of itchy dogs and provide you with the knowledge and tools to give your dog the relief they need. It's time to make those itchy days a thing of the past!

Check out our sister company at www.a-ok9.com for their new itch less solution, Itch-K9 --- launching w/c 16 September 2024 - watch for a really special launch offer! 

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