The Power of Scent (feat. Ann McGloon)

The Power of Scent (feat. Ann McGloon)


This week we discuss:  The Power of Scent with Ann McGloon

This week we introduce you to Ann McGloon, one of our amazing Pro Dog Trainers, and experienced Search and Rescue handler.

Meet Ann, and get to hear her passion and energy shine through as she dives into the benefits of scent for every dog, as well as vivid, incredible stories of wins and wow moments with her own brilliant Sussex Spaniels and Working Cocker Spaniel. 

Have you ever wanted to get involved in scent work with your dog? If you have, or even if you haven’t, get prepared to feel the desire to leap in and join in on this incredible relationship boosting sport that has so many facets. 

From simple confidence boosting games to more complex ventures such as man-trailing, air-scenting (wilderness), cadaver, detection, and more – listen in on a magical episode that will inspire you. Is scent work in your future?  

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We want to bring you valuable, insightful content that helps dogs all over the world (yours included).

Play a game with your dog today and have fun. 

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